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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

i-Spyphone ไฮ เทคโนโลยี นั้นมีสองด้านเสมอ:)

สืบด้วยตัวเองผ่านมือถือสายลับ - i-Spyphone
i-SpyPhone นวัตกรรมใหม่ ในการติดตาม พฤติกรรมของบุคคล สามารถฟังการสนทนาโทรศัพท์ ตรวจสอบรายการโทรเข้าออก SMS และตำแหน่ง ของเครื่องเป้าหมาย โดยใช้ i-SpyPhone
รู้ทุกการสนทนา ทุกคำพูด ทุกSMS ทุกตำแหน่ง จากทุกมุมโลก
- สืบด้วยตัวเอง ข้อมูลส่วนตัวไม่รั่วไหล สะดวก ทำได้เอง ติดตั้งเอง

การทำงานของโปรแกรม i-Spyphone

รู้ทุกเรื่องลับ ผ่านมือถือสายลับ

เพียงนำโทรศัพท์มือถือ ของบุคคลที่เราต้องการติดตามข้อมูล มาติดตั้งโปรแกรม เพียง 5 นาที... หลังจากนั้น โปรแกรม Spy phone จะซ่อนในเครื่องโทรศัพท์ และแอบทำงาน ในเครื่องที่ถูกลงโปรแกรม โดยไม่แสดง ไอคอน เสียง หรือ ข้อความใดๆ โดยจะแอบส่งข้อมูล ที่เราต้องการรู้ เช่น ข้อมูลการโทร , SMS , E-mail , ตำแหน่งGPS , โดยข้อมูลทั้งหมดจะถูกส่งไปยังเครื่องควบคุม สามารถฟังการสนทนาแบบสดๆ ได้ทุกที่ ทุกเวลา โดยไม่จำกัดระยะทาง ตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง.

ช่วงโปรโมชั่นพร้อมส่วนลด ทั้ง 4 ชุด
ชุดที่ 1 CALL + SMS
ความสามารถ : ฟังการสนทนา + ดูข้อความ SMS

ชุดพื้นฐานสามารถฟังการสนทนา และตรวจสอบข้อมูลการรับ-ส่ง ข้อความ SMS

Spy SMS - ตรวจสอบข้อความ SMS - ราคา 6,500 บาท
ก๊อปปี้ข้อความ SMS ที่มีการ รับเข้า - ส่งออก

Spy CALL - ฟังการสนทนา ราคา - 7,500 บาท
แจ้งเติอนหมายเลขที่กำลังติดต่อ , ฟังเสียงรอบๆเครื่องเป้าหมาย , ฟังการสนทนา 3 สาย

แถมโทรศัพท์เครื่องควบคุม ออกแบบสำหรับโปรแกรม Spyphoneโดยเฉพาะ พร้อมเบอร์โทรศัพท์ มีระบบตัดเสียง ที่เข้าไปรบกวนเครื่องเป้าหมาย สะดวกปลอดภัยกว่า.. ราคา 1,500 บาท

จากปรกติ 14,000 บาท ลดเหลือ 9,900 บาท

Oh sock coding codingstyle #1 on Google:) to day hot and hit.
Coding Style
'Coding style' refers to the way source code is formatted. For C, this involves things like brace placement, indentation, and the way parentheses are used. GNOME has a mix of coding styles, and we do not enforce any one of them. The most important thing is for the code to be consistent within a program or library - code with sloppy formatting is not acceptable, since it is hard to read.

When writing a new program or library, please follow a consistent style of brace placement and indentation. If you do not have any personal preference for a style, we recommend the Linux kernel coding style, or the GNU coding style.

Read the (Standards)Writing C info node in the GNU documentation. Then, get the Linux kernel sources and read the file linux/Documentation/CodingStyle, and ignore Linus's jokes. These two documents will give you a good idea of what we recommend for GNOME code.

Indentation Style
For core GNOME code we prefer the Linux kernel indentation style. Use 8-space tabs for indentation.

Using 8-space tabs for indentation provides a number of benefits. It makes the code easier to read, since the indentation is clearly marked. It also helps you keep your code honest by forcing you to split functions into more modular and well-defined chunks - if your indentation goes too far to the right, then it means your function is designed badly and you should split it to make it more modular or re-think it.

8-space tabs for indentation also helps you to design functions that fit nicely in a single screen, which means that people can understand the code without having to scroll back and forth in order to understand it.

Example my coding style.
//If you use Emacs, then you can select the Linux kernel indentation style by including this in your .emacs file:://

(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
(lambda ()
(c-set-style "k&r")
(setq c-basic-offset 8)))

//On newer Emacsen or with a newer cc-mode, you may be able to simply do this instead://

(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
(lambda ()
(c-set-style "linux")))

//If you use vim, then you can select the GNOME kernel indentation style by including this fragment in your ~/.vimrc file://

set ts=8
if !exists("autocommands_loaded")
let autocommands_loaded = 1
augroup C
autocmd BufRead *.c set cindent
augroup END


What is your style., coding program.

Nano is a small unit.:)

How Small is Small?
Nanoscale objects have at least one dimension (height, length, depth) that measures between 1 and 999 nanometers (1-999 nm).

As stated previously, a nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Everyone struggles to imagine this very small scale, but you can get an idea through comparison.

Let's look at some commonplace objects. Pick up a book and look at the thickness of an individual page. The average page is about 100,000 nanometers thick. Remember, to be considered nanoscale the object must have one dimension between 1 and 999 nanometers, so this is definitely not within the nanoscale range. A very fine human hair is about 10,000 nanometers wide, which is the smallest dimension we can see with the naked eye.

Although technically nanoscale objects are within the 1-999 nm range, often when people refer to something as being “at the nanoscale,” they are speaking about objects smaller than 100 nanometers. Why? When nanoparticles are in the 1-100 nm size scale, unusu

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What Is Nano?

Over the past decade a new term has entered our vocabulary and that word is “nano.” We hear the word in movies. It’s mentioned on television and in newspapers and magazines. Futurists say it will pave the way for unimaginable new possibilities. Pessimists are unsure.

There are many different opinions about where this new field will take us, but everyone agrees that this science and the new technologies that come from it have the possibility of significantly impacting our world.

This section will provide some basic information to help you understand not only what nanotechnology is, but what it isn’t. The text is written in easy to read language, and underlined words are linked to the Glossary for easy reference.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Drive Traffic To Your Business Web Site :)

1. Build a strong, solid business foundation. Design a business plan, marketing plan, ideal client profile and 30-second elevator speech.

2. Be consistent and “brand” your company. Use the same colors, logo, motto, etc. everywhere on your business web site!

3. Make your business web site trustable.

4. Create policies that build trust: customer service, code of ethics and newsletter privacy policy.

5. Ask your web master to name each of your pages using a keyword you have supplied them with.

6. Offer added values on your business web site that make sense to your business and ideal client. This can include affiliate programs, books, and recommended links to web sites.

7. Add a “favorites or bookmark this site” script to some of your business web site pages.

8. Add a "Recommend This Site" on your site. If someone visits your business Web site and knows someone else who may appreciate it, this feature will e-mail the page's link to a recipient.

9. If you have pages on your business web site that you update monthly (like an articles page or recommended links page) say so on the page.

10. Join a few Web rings. For additional information, visit WebRing and Bravenet.

11. Provide a subscription box, to your e-zine or business announcement list, on your most viewed business web site pages.

12. On large business web sites, create a "What's New Page" or even better, ask your web designer to design a "Site Map" for your visitors.

Coninue on to the next page to learn more ways to drive traffic to your business web site.

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Note from the Editor :) Microsoft Security Newsletter :)

This is a monthly newsletter for IT professionals and developers-bringing security news, guidance, updates, and community resources directly to your inbox. If you would like to receive less technical security news, guidance, and updates, please subscribe to the Microsoft Security for Home Computer Users Newsletter.
Note from the Editor

Welcome to July's Security Newsletter! If you are an IT professional who holds some responsibility for security and privacy within your organization, you are probably already aware of the importance of keeping all of your software up to date. If you aren't, you need to look at the data in the latest Microsoft Security Intelligence Report on vulnerability disclosures across the entire software industry. One look at the data should be enough to convince you that all your software vendors should be giving you security updates for their products.

Whether your organization purchases software from an independent software vendor (ISV) or develops software in-house, you'll want software that has been developed with a security assurance process that helps to reduce the number and severity of security vulnerabilities. The security assurance process we use at Microsoft is called the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). For example, Microsoft Office 2010 that was recently released was developed using the SDL; this video will provide you with an overview of how the SDL helped improve Office 2010 security.

If you are interested in learning more about the SDL and how your organization can leverage it, check out this video that will quickly bring you up to speed and, of course, the SDL website.

Also, if you aren't already aware, Microsoft is sponsoring the Black Hat Security Conference in Las Vegas again, where we have several speakers talking about technical security issues. I hope to see you there!

Best regards,
Tim Rains, Group Product Manager,
Microsoft Trustworthy Computing

Follow the Microsoft Security Response team on Twitter @MSFTSecResponse for the latest information on the threat landscape.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Oh..! today e-office BOOM:) more than 95% on the word.

Meeting rooms:)
eOffice meeting rooms are the best way to get together in the city centre. Whether you are aiming to impress a new client or catch up with an existing one, our stylish and comfortable meeting rooms make it easy for you to present your company’s most professional face.

In premium city centre buildings close to major transport links, eOffice meeting rooms are available by the hour, half day or full day and can accommodate from 2 to 100 people. All our meeting rooms offer free wireless broadband connection and the latest AV technology. Quality catering can be arranged on request and eOffice staff will be on hand to help when you need them. So you can focus your attention on getting the most out of your meeting.

Conference rooms:)
eOffice conference rooms are the ideal venues for presentations, corporate get-togethers and large-scale meetings. Whatever you want from your event, our stylish and comfortable conference rooms make it easy for you to leave the right impression.

In premium city centre buildings close to major transport links, eOffice conference rooms are available by the hour, half day or full day and can accommodate up to 100 people. All our conference rooms offer free wireless broadband and the latest AV technology – including video conferencing. Quality catering can be arranged on request and eOffice staff will be on hand to help when you need them. So you can focus on getting the most from your event.

Video conferencing:)
Why spend time, money and effort travelling to meetings, when you could get things done faster and more cost-efficiently with eOffice video conferencing? We offer you a choice of four key UK locations, each with smart, stylish video conferencing facilities to help you present your business professionally.

In premium city centre buildings close to major transport links, eOffice video conferencing rooms are available by the hour, half day or full day and some locations can accommodate up to 100 people. You can even book them outside normal office hours. All our video conferencing rooms offer free wireless broadband connection and the latest AV technology. Quality catering can be arranged on request and eOffice staff will be on hand to help when needed. So next time you have a long distance meeting, get straight to the point with an eOffice video conferencing room.

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Why Microsoft Dynamics for education?

The success of an education administration is directly related to the success of its people. Faced with budget and resource constraints, education administrators can use Microsoft Dynamics software to optimize students' learning experiences, enable teachers to do their best to meet student needs, and at the same time, meet the high expectations of parents, local education authorities, and government agencies.

Microsoft Dynamics offers integrated, adaptable administration management software that allow school administrators to manage finances, student and alumni relationships, and more. These solutions automate your processes, and make it easier to stay in control with immediate access to all key information. Microsoft Dynamics applications work like—and with—familiar Microsoft software, easing adoption and reducing the risks inherent with implementing a new solution.

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facebook developers.

We're updating the left hand navigation of the home page to simplify users' access to the bookmarks to their most used applications.

As part of this, we're making it easier for your users to easily access and reengage with the applications they use most often. Platform applications now have equal opportunity for real estate on the home page. They can occupy the positions currently held by the Applications Dashboard, the Games Dashboard, and Photos, depending on which applications the user interacts with the most.

Starting today, application bookmarks can move "above the fold" (above the "More" link), based on how recently the user used the application. We're now displaying six bookmarks above the fold, which gives users an extra slot for one-click access to your applications.

If a user hasn't clicked a bookmark within the past 30 days, it will move below the fold. If multiple applications have been used recently and are above the fold, their order will be determined by the order in which each bookmark was added. Also, we will automatically bookmark applications for users when they visit an application that has not been bookmarked.

Additionally, we will soon remove the ability for bookmarks to link off the site, as very few users actually bookmarked external websites. The few developers who have this enabled, will need to update the Bookmark URL field in the Developer application to point to a canvas page. We'll announce this change again in advance of our implementing it.

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If you have a Nokia smartphone.

If you have a Nokia smartphone, then the chances are that it will be running a form of Symbian as its operating system. It’s the software that keeps everything going and includes many of the applications that come installed out of the box. But there’s a lot more to Nokia’s operating system of choice than meets the eye – join us after the break to find out more.

A long history The roots of what was to become the Symbian Operating System (OS) go back over 20 years. British company Psion started developing the predecessor to Symbian, the EPOC OS, for its well-loved digital organiser devices in 1987. EPOC was so-named because it signalled the start of a new epoch; but the rumour spread that it also stood for ‘Electronic Piece of Cheese’.

One OS to rule them all In 1998, smartphone manufacturers allied to develop and re-work the software for use in phones, with the first Symbian device released in 2000. The Nokia 9210 Communicator, the first ‘open’ Symbian phone, allowing owners to install their own applications, was released in 2001.

Phone Juggler Symbian is especially notable for being the first smartphone OS to feature pre-emptive multitasking. It’s obvious what the ‘multitasking’ bit means, but ‘pre-emptive’ means that the operating system can interrupt applications and give resources to another without shutting them down altogether. In practice, it means you can load up your calendar, for example, and then have it running in the background on very low resources until an alarm is due or you bring it back to the front.

Top Ticket It may have started as an electronic piece of cheese, but Symbian has become a very big cheese indeed over the last ten years. Nearly 81 million Symbian smartphones – from many different manufacturers – were sold in 2009, according to industry analyst Gartner, giving it 46.9 per cent of the market.

And very new After nine ‘full’ releases and many more interim releases for specific devices, Symbian Software Ltd. was acquired by Nokia in 2008. It relaunched Symbian – under the care of a foundation – as a software platform that anyone was free to use later that year, with the code becoming fully open-source only a few months ago, in February 2010.

Open Source Symbian is an open-source operating system and software platform. That means anyone can download it from the site and use it free-of-charge – it’s at Of course, though, there’s a bit more to creating your own new smartphone than downloading the platform. The move to open source means it will be used for more devices and is intended to spark faster, greater innovation from both phone manufacturers and developers.

Founder’s Footsteps Symbian is administered by the Symbian Foundation. This independent, non-profit organisation looks after the code, co-ordinates development efforts and communicates its advantages to people. However, they aren’t the main software engineers. Like other open source software, Symbian is actually written by an army of developers, sometimes working for phone manufacturers or software and service vendors, sometimes completely independently.

Symbian^3 is pronounced ‘Symbian Three’ and is (unsurprisingly) the third full platform release from the Symbian Foundation. It brings a faster user interface, improved graphics support for advanced layering and effects, HDMI support for high-quality television playback and better data networking. The forthcoming Nokia N8 will be the first phone to feature Symbian^3.

Symbian^4 is currently at an early stage, though the speedy pace of development means that the foundation expects the first devices in early 2011. The focus of development is on a new user interface – the Direct UI. For developers, Qt – already built into Symbian^3 – will become the standard environment in which applications are written. Qt is an application framework which makes it easier for developers to adapt their code to lots of different devices.

The Door’s Open The Symbian Foundation welcomes ideas for the platform – new devices, features and applications – and not just from people with heavyweight programming or electronic engineering skills. The Symbian Ideas website allows you to submit new proposals or comment and vote on other people’s.

So there you have it. Is there anything else which makes Symbian unique, aside from its heritage as electronic cheese? How many Symbian devices have you owned over the years? Let us know.

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Top 10 Accounting Software

Searching for the Right Small Business Accounting Software?
We've just made it a lot easier for you to find the best accounting software for your small business. Our Top 10 Accounting Software vendor report reveals:
» The top 10 accounting software vendors you should consider.

» Published vendor pricing.

» Highlights of each vendor's features/strengths.

» Vendor background and contact information to get you started.

» Tips on how to select the right Accounting Software Package.

Key Considerations for Accounting Software
Tips for identifying the right accounting/ financial software for your business
■Easy to use and Customizable to fit your business
■Manage end-to-end financial business process
■Executive Dashboard, Robust Reporting & Analytics
■Integrate with other internal and external business systems
■Solution that is scalable for growing organizations

See more @

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Teste Live Center

There is always something new going on with the web and how we connect with customers and this week is no exception with the release of the Tester Center Website ( at this year’s StarWest conference. For many years, Microsoft has recognized that software testing and quality assurance is an integral part of the application lifecycle. Tester Center is an effort to help grow the global community of testers and to communicate our thought leadership and expertise in the software testing market. With this site we want to share what we know, but more importantly we want to get feedback from the general testing community, and leverage the collective knowledge of the community for everyone's benefit. This effort is meant to build on the work we’ve been doing with developers for many years now.

I encourage you to visit the site and join the budding community of testers to help make our effort a success by forwarding the link to the testers in your world. Also, you can share your ideas, experiences, content, and blogs by emailing for publication on this site.

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20 years ago SQL Server.

Twenty years ago we announced the first version of Microsoft SQL Server. This year we’re working towards launching SQL Server 2008, as part of the biggest enterprise launch in our company’s history. We ship more units of SQL Server than Oracle and IBM combined and we are the fastest growing database and Business Intelligence vendor. We’ve come a long way.

To take you back to 1988, here is a snippet of the first press release …

January 16, 1988 — Microsoft and Ashton-Tate announce Microsoft SQL Server, a relational database server software product for local area networks (LANs) based on a relational database management system licensed from Sybase.

And one of our first ads for SQL Server and LAN Manager, ca. 1989-1992.

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ADO.NET Entity Framework

ADO.NET Entity Framework, and a preview of ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions. Designed to make it even easier for developers to build data-centric applications and services regardless of the underlying data source, the ADO.NET Entity Framework is already gaining significant support from multiple database vendors and third-party providers, including Core Lab, Data Direct Technologies, Firebird, IBM, MySQL AB, Npgsql, OpenLink Software, Phoenix Software, Sybase and VistaDB. For more information about the ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta 3, take a look at Guggs’ Crossbar.

Microsoft also announced today an upcoming preview of ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions, which leverages the Entity Framework to make it easier for developers to build rich, interactive data-centric applications on the Web. The ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview includes:
•ADO.NET Entity Framework •ASP.NET MVC•ADO.NET Data Services•ASP.NET Dynamic •New additions to ASP.NET AJAX •Silverlight controls for ASP.NET

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Microsoft Partners With Cisco

Microsoft Corp. announced its support of Cisco’s Unified Computing System entrance into the server datacenter market as an original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Through this agreement, Cisco will pre-package, resell and support Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 with Hyper-V technology and Microsoft SQL Server 2008. In addition, Microsoft is working closely with Cisco to integrate System Center into this new solution.

Over the past five years Microsoft has built a strong alliance with Cisco, and Unified Computing System is a natural point of evolution for the relationship. These two companies that provide best-of-breed solutions are uniting network, compute and virtualization resources into one system. More information can be found on the Windows Server team blog and on PressPass.

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Explorer 8’s Protect Your PC

With 80 percent of Canadians using the Internet (2009 Stats Can) and 96 percent of those using it from home, it’s important people know how to protect their PC, and the important content it stores – like personal files or family photos. Microsoft Canada experts recommend a mix of common sense and great software to protect your PC from malware that can potentially corrupt or damage your information.

Internet Explorer 8 believes everyone should Browse with Confidence. Visit the site to learn about ways to help protect your PC from online threats – and help support KINSA, the Kid’s Internet Safety Alliance.

Please check out the video ( or the website ( for more information.

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Top 5 Web Apps

DotNetNuke® Community Edition
DotNetNuke® is the leading open source framework for building websites and web applications on Microsoft ASP.NET. Through an intuitive, menu-driven interface, even non-technical users can use DotNetNuke to easily create powerful websites or extend the functionality and features of existing web applications.

nopCommerce is a fully customizable shopping cart. A solution with comprehensive features that is easy to use for new online businesses, yet powerful enough for the most demanding e-commerce expert.

A slick, intuitive web based photo gallery. Gallery is easy to install, configure and use. Gallery photo management includes automatic thumbnails, resizing, rotation, and more. Authenticated users and privileged albums make this great for communities.

WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.
Umbraco CMS
The friendly CMS that supports all modern browsers; users can edit with Word or LiveWriter; designers can create accessible and valid XHTML; developers can integrate any .NET control simply.

SEO Toolkit

Free SEO ToolkitInstall Now Start with the free download, review your website, and make changes fast. The SEO Toolkit with its detailed analysis and search engine friendly suggestions helps improve the relevance of your website in search results right away.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Just Got Easy
Optimize for and more!

Increase Website Traffic and Revenue
Analyze your website and find ways to boost your number of hits. Use SEO recommendations to improve traffic and increase your revenue stream.

Influence and Update Search Engines
Control the access and display of your content in search results. Keep search engines current with the latest information from your website.

Improve Customer Experience
Discover and solve common problems in your website content and design to enhance your end user experience. Make it easy for your customers to find what they’re looking for

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Free URL Rewriter

Install Now URL Rewriter makes Web addresses simple for customers to remember and search engines to find. Start with easy to use pre-built rule templates or create your own advanced custom rules.

Now Customers Can Actually Locate Your Resources

Simple and Consistent Web Addresses
Define powerful rules to transform complex URLs into Web addresses that are easier for customers to remember, simple for search engines to index, and allow a consistent format.

Customer and Search Engine Friendly Results
Get your business noticed by replacing hard to follow URLs generated by Web applications with customer and search engine friendly equivalents.

Seamless Integration
Leverage seamless integration with existing IIS features that improve management, performance, and troubleshooting.

"We recently evaluated URL Rewriter against another rewriting product we’ve used for many years. Our benchmarks show an overall reduction in CPU processing, in some cases up to 19%! This allows us to continue to leverage our existing hardware investment for some time yet. URL Rewriter is easy to deploy, has extensive documentation and support forums, but best of all...its free!"

Matt Duguid, Internet Systems Specialist, Trade Me New Zealand

PHP on Windows

Run your favorite PHP applications on IIS today!

Almost there.
To install this application, you'll need the Microsoft Web Platform installer. Just a few more clicks and you'll be on your way.

By downloading and using the Web Platform Installer (Web PI), you agree to the license terms for the Web PI.
Please leave this window open until the Microsoft Web Platform Installer starts.

System requirements
Supported Operating Systems are Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Vista SP1, Windows XP SP2+, Windows Server 2003 SP1+, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2.
You must have a live Internet connection.
You must have administrator privileges on your computer to run the Web Platform Installer.

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nopCommerce is the leading ASP.NET online shop e-commerce solution. nopCommerce can be installed and set-up by anyone with the most basic web site building and computer skills. nopCommerce is a secure, scalable and extendable e-commerce platform. It has user friendly administration tools to manage your storefront, customers, wish lists, discounts, and coupons. It also has flexible tax support, multi-lingual support, and hundreds of other features. Support for the most popular gateways:, PayPal, Google Checkout, 2Checkout, and more. nopCommerce also runs in Medium Trust.

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What Is WebMatrix ?

What Is It?
WebMatrix is everything you need to build Web sites using Windows. It includes IIS Developer Express (a development Web server), ASP.NET (a Web framework), and SQL Server Compact (an embedded database). It streamlines Web site development and makes it easy to start Web sites from popular open-source apps. The skills and code you develop with WebMatrix transition seamlessly to Visual Studio and SQL Server.

Why Use It?
You will use the same powerful Web server, database engine and web framework that will run your Web site on the Internet, which makes the transition from development to product seamless. Beyond ensuring everything just works, WebMatrix includes new features that make Web development easier.

Who's it for?
WebMatrix is for developers, students, or just about anyone who just wants a small and simple way to build Web sites. Start coding, testing, and deploying your own Web sites without having to worry about configuring your own Web server, managing databases, or learning a lot of concepts. WebMatrix makes Web site development easy.

वेब्मात्रिक्स IIS Developer Express

WebMatrix includes a complete Web development stack that integrates a Web server (IIS Developer Express), database (Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0), programming model (ASP.NET Web pages with ‘Razor’ syntax) and a tool (WebMatrix Beta) into a single, integrated and seamless experience.

You can use WebMatrix to streamline the way you create an ASP.NET website from templates or by using the world’s most popular open source ASP.NET or PHP apps like DotNetNuke, Umbraco, WordPress, or Joomla!. With WebMatrix you can code your websites, customize them, optimize them for good search engine ranking, test them and deploy them to an Internet hosting company, all through the tool.

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BizTalk Server 2010

Server 2010 Beta: Now Available

BizTalk Server
is Microsoft’s enterprise integration
offering, designed to maximize the value
of Line of Business (LOB) systems by
integrating and automating your business
processes and reducing operational
costs. It enables enterprises to gain
strategic efficiency and agility by
unifying solutions to address B2B and
RFID integration needs. BizTalk Server
2010 offers significant enhancements to
help integrate LOB systems with Windows
.NET and SharePoint based applications
to optimize user productivity, gain
business efficiency and increase

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Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010
Beta Offers:

Easier Integration of
Enterprise Applications

Simplified Solution

Enhanced Enterprise

to use BizTalk Data Map and
LOB Connectivity Workflow
Foundation (WF) Activities
for .Net developers

Single, comprehensive
parameter settings dashboard
for efficient performance
tuning streamline
deployments across

Efficient B2B integration
with scalable Trading
Partner Management and
advanced capabilities for
complex data mapping

Seamless ability to leverage
BizTalk capabilities
from SharePoint 2010
Business Connectivity
Service to access LOB

System Center Management
Pack to provide enhanced
visual monitoring and

Secure FTP with a new FTPS
Adapter and an improved FTP

intuitive & intelligent Data
Map and Transformation tools

Streamlined setup and live

Adapters support for latest
application versions: SAP 7,
Oracle eBS 12.1, JD Edwards
9.0, SQL Server 2008 R2,
SharePoint 2010

Improved Visual Studio
project and wizard driven
tools to build integration
solutions with IBM Mainframe
and Midrange Systems

Support for SQL Server
backup compression

Updated Industry Protocol

Built-in components for
rapid development of RFID

Support for Transparent data

Enhancements to the IBM host
systems adapters

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No अद्मिनुसेर...!

When I use the new-organization (Exchange 2010 SP1 beta in hosting mode) the documentation says that I will be prompted for a admin-password but I am not and no admin-user i created. Anyone have any idea of what might be wrong?

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Outlook doesn't save passwords on hosted Exchange

I've tried just about every solution proposed in the above article, as well as a few on my own (including editing the registry). In my eyes this is a Microsoft problem that should have been solved by now. It seems there are a dozen "solutions" depending on what variation of OS and Outlook you're running, and whether your PC is joined to a domain.

Frankly this is absurd. There must be a consistent solution to this problem. Not one that works depending on the configuration, or, in my case doesn't.

If anyone has suggestions for making these passwords stick other than the ones presented here:

Or any of the ones suggested in the archived Technet article, I'd appreciate hearing about them. In my case we're trying to connect clients to an Exchange 2010 server using Outlook 2007, 2010 running XP Pro and Windows 7.

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Windows Update for Windows 7 with SMS 2003

It appears that Windows Update is getting patches from the Internet even though we have SMS 2003. For XP, I had to set group policy - configure Automatic Updates to enabled to have SMS 2003 work. However, for Windows 7 and SCCM, this has to be disabled. Does anyone know how to turn off Windows Updates and still have SMS 2003 able to send down updates?

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Can SCE & SCCM Co-exist in the Same AD Domain?

We're a small company, but finding significant deficiencies in SCE regarding Software Inventory (only what Add/Remove Programs shows you, not the version of the Update) and also Software Distribution (no custom command, no forced reboots, no dependencies, etc.)

Having exeprience (a long time ago) with SMS 2.0, I would like to *test* SCCM now, but do not want to negatively impact my users who are using SCE.

Can I install SCCM without distrupting the SCE clients?

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new SCCM server setup

Should I create a single VM that runs both SCCM and SQL (maybe 4 CPU with 8 GB RAM) using Windows 2008 R2? OR Break SCCM and SQL apart as VM for SCCM and either use the physical SQL server or create a VM SQL just for SCCM ??

Also where do I want WSUS installed? On the SCCM box or a dedicated box?

Management just handed me the task of getting Configuration Manager up and running. Their initial goal is patch management and software delivery (to patch 3rd party apps). A previous tech had tried to get SCCM up and running but left the company after setup and he did not document anything. He has SCCM running on a single Virtual Server connected to a physical SQL server. My intention is to uninstall his site, format the box and start over. I have read much the last week and had a few questions to help me get started.

Current setup: about 1200 client spread over 45 branches on a fully meshed MPLS network. Each branch has a 1.5 Mbps uplink to the cloud. HQ has a 45 Mbps uplink to the cloud. Each branch has a single Windows 2003 R2 32-bit server acting as a DC and file/print server. Physical SQL server is 8 CPU / 16 GB running about 40 databases for various apps.

I can create as many Virtual Servers at HQ as required. I can install IIS on the branch DCs.

I am thinking of either one or two Virtual Servers at HQ and making the branch server Distribution Points. OK ??


Should I create a single VM that runs both SCCM and SQL (maybe 4 CPU with 8 GB RAM) using Windows 2008 R2? OR Break SCCM and SQL apart as VM for SCCM and either use the physical SQL server or create a VM SQL just for SCCM ??

Also where do I want WSUS installed? On the SCCM box or a dedicated box?
